Aluminium Cans vs Recycled Plastic Bottles
At Event Wine Solutions, we are committed to supplying wine to events in the most environmentally friendly way possible, so the topic of ‘Aluminium cans vs recycled plastic bottles’ is something we have spent time and resources considering carefully.
Access All Areas: Autumn 2023. Not all event-safe bottles are CREATED EQUAL
Thankfully, we now exist in a time where events are taking sustainability seriously. However, whilst many event-safe options claim to be environmentally-friendly - how well informed are you about the packaging that contains your drinks?
Event Wine Solutions is proud to support the shift towards a zero virgin-plastic future
“In June 2023 in Paris, the world’s governments agreed to draft a new treaty to control plastics. The UN says it could cut production by a massive 80% by 2040…”
“Can you tell me more about how your recycled bottles are produced?”
Details from our bottle manufacturer…
“I’ve heard that plastic recycling releases microplastics. Is this true?”
We address a recent question about plastic recycling and its environmental impact.
“I’ve heard that recycled plastic can contain toxic chemicals. Is this true?”
We address a recent question about plastic recycling and its environmental impact.