“Can you tell me more about how your recycled bottles are produced?”

Details from our recycled bottle manufacturer

At Event Wine Solutions,, we take immense pride in our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. As a company that sells wine in 100% recycled plastic (rPET) bottles, we are fully aware of the impact that single-use plastic can have on the environment. That's why we have meticulously chosen our manufacturing partner, who shares our vision for a greener future. Our partner's ability to produce 100% recycled plastic bottles and their well-regulated recycling system align perfectly with our goal to minimize our ecological footprint.

We believe that being environmentally friendly extends beyond our choice of materials; it also encompasses every aspect of our operations. From sourcing to production and distribution, we prioritise environmentally-conscious practices. Our dedication to sustainability also extends to supporting and advocating for new recycling initiatives and health and safety legislation that promotes a safer and healthier environment for everyone.

At Event Wine Solutions, we are committed to working with best-in-class recycling partners who share our values and ethos. Together, we strive to create a positive impact on the planet while delivering products that are not only well-made but also safe for our customers and the environment. With this steadfast commitment to sustainability, we envision a future where enjoying wine and preserving the environment go hand in hand.

The recycled rPET bottles that we use are produced in a new factory using the latest technology available. Specifically:

  • The technology supplier (EREMA) is approved by the EFSA - European Food Safety Agency.

  • Raw materials: the bottles are produced using flakes of EU origin only; all suppliers are RECYCLASS or EUCERPLAST meaning that the flakes contain at least 95% certified as food grade (bottles used in the food industry) with a remaining maximum 5% of non-food PET.

Notes: This is to ensure a high likelihood that the material does not contain dangerous chemicals once it is produced. However the output will be tested and if the up to 5% of non food grade PET had dangerously contaminated the material it would be rejected. 

Additionally it is important to remember that there is an acceptable amount of contamination in every item produced across the entire food industry…

o    https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/04/health/insect-rodent-filth-in-food-wellness/index.html

o    As much as 4% to 6% of beans by count are also allowed to be insect-infested or mouldy.

o    Peanut butter is one of the most controlled foods in the FDA list; an average of one or more rodent hairs and 30 (or so) insect fragments are allowed for every 100 grams, which is 3.5 ounces.

  • There is an additional sorting system which retains and eliminates an additional 2% of the flakes, already certified by the EU standards and regulation.

  • The rPET production abides by all rules and regulations imposed by the EU.

  • All "risk parameters" are within the brackets defined by the EU.

  • The production company is certified by groups such as Danone, SANTORY and PEPSI Cola.

In addition to the above, there is a decontamination unit which eliminates any volatile molecules that may be found in the supply.

More in detail:

  • Acetaldehyde (AA) used in the heating process of PET above 250°c is limited to 1 ppm (1.0 gr. / 1 T of PET). Note that AA is naturally present in fruit at a level of (0.2-230 ppm).

At Event Wine Solutions, we firmly believe in championing a sustainable future by eliminating the use of virgin plastics, which are derived from fossil fuels, contain harmful chemicals, and contribute to mountains of waste. To combat this environmental crisis, we advocate for a shift towards renewable circular materials, particularly bio-plastics made from plants. Although viable bio-plastics for bottle production are not yet available, we are dedicated to supporting this transition as soon as it becomes possible.

While we eagerly await the development of bio-plastics, we recognise the urgent need to address the existing waste and pollution caused by virgin plastics. To take immediate action, we have embraced the use of 100% recycled plastic (rPET) in our wine bottles. By utilizing recycled materials, we not only reduce the demand for virgin plastics but also contribute to cleaning up the oceans, rivers, and land from the choking effects of waste plastic.

Our strategy at Event Wine Solutions goes beyond just a temporary solution; it aims to lay the foundation for a circular economy. By establishing closed-loop, circular, re-use, and recycling supply chains, we are building the infrastructure necessary for a future where plastics are perpetually captured and recycled. This approach ensures that as the bio-plastics technology advances, the groundwork will already be in place for a seamless transition to renewable materials.

While we currently use recycled plastic to tackle the issue of plastic pollution and pave the way for a circular future, we are steadfast in our commitment to the eventual abandonment of petroleum-based plastics. At Event Wine Solutions, our dedication to the environment drives us to actively support the journey towards a plastic-free, sustainable world that safeguards our planet for generations to come.



Event Wine Solutions is proud to support the shift towards a zero virgin-plastic future


“I’ve heard that plastic recycling releases microplastics. Is this true?”