Event Wine Solutions is proud to support the shift towards a zero virgin-plastic future

“Whisper it, but the boom in plastic production could be about to come to a juddering halt” By Geoffrey Lean in the Guardian

Original publication:

In June 2023 in Paris, the world’s governments agreed to draft a new treaty to control plastics. The UN says it could cut production by a massive 80% by 2040.




This article written by Geoffrey Lean in the Guardian states that the above can be achieved by accelerating three key shifts – reorient and diversify, reuse, and recycle – and actions to deal with the legacy of plastic pollution. 

Reorient and diversify refers to shifting the market towards sustainable alternatives, which will require a shift in the way products and packaging are produced, consumer demand, regulatory frameworks and costs. Finally, as a complement to the other solutions, the report also discusses the importance of ensuring that where plastics are produced, they are designed to be recyclable in the market where they are sold, and that waste management and the recycling market become more viable ventures.

Today, only nine percent of plastics produced are mechanically recycled which is something that the increased demand for recycled PET is helping to improve.

At Event Wine Solutions, we are proud to support the shift towards a zero virgin-plastic future. We do this by using an existing resource and safely turning it into something new – a vessel for our delicious wine!

We understand that the journey towards a virgin plastic-free world can only come about if we can re-use what’s already in existence – and that’s why we are confident that, for now, we are using the most environmentally-friendly material for our wine bottles. We continue to invest in the research and development of new vessels and support advancements in this area.


Access All Areas: Autumn 2023. Not all event-safe bottles are CREATED EQUAL


“Can you tell me more about how your recycled bottles are produced?”